Please note, we are meeting at our new location for worship. Please see details here.


Reminder: Wednesday Evening Ministries have been cancelled through through the month of February.



Jerusalem and Temple map at time of Jesus

Maps of Jerusalem and the temple at time of Jesus

The first map below shows Bethany to the east of Jerusalem. Jesus and His disciples stayed overnight each night in Bethany during the Passion Week (The week leading to His death, burial, and resurrection). Bethany is where Mary, Martha, and Lazarus (whom Jesus raised from the dead) lived. This also shows the route of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem during Passion Week.



The closer view of Jerusalem below has good detail to see all of the areas in and around Jerusalem that are mentioned in the Scriptures. Copyright 2014 Faithlife / Logos Bible Software

Jerusalem from Logos cropped.JPG

New Testament Jerusalem 2

Below is what the Temple Mount in Jerusalem would have looked like in Jesus' time, showing the Jewish temple in the middle of the Temple Mount. This temple location was first started by Solomon (2 Chron 3:1) on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. In that same location, King Herod, starting about 20 B.C., expanded the Temple Mount plaza to about 35 acres in size, and the 2nd Temple construction was completed during Jesus' time.  The Temple itself was built of shining white marble and gold. This Temple and all buildings on the Temple Mount were then destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D.  

New Testament Temple in Jerusalem drawing

Hubbard, S., Ritzema, E., Watkins, C., & Wentz, L. with Logos Bible Software and KarBel Media. (2012). Faithlife Study Bible Infographics. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.


Below is a closer view of the actual temple grounds:

 Herods Temple close view.JPG

 Hubbard, S., Ritzema, E., Watkins, C., & Wentz, L. with Logos Bible Software and KarBel Media. (2012). Faithlife Study Bible Infographics. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.


The Sanhedrin and Chamber of hewn stoneJPG.JPG