On Wednesday evenings at Faith Bible Church we have various ministries including:

  1. Wednesday Evening Prayer Group (6:00-6:30pm)
  2. Adventure Club for Children (6:30pm)
  3. Sermon Review and Adult/Teen Small Groups (6:30pm)

The adult and youth small groups will meet together to dig deeper into the prior Sunday sermon. We will first meet as one large group for an overview of Sunday's sermon, then we will break into smaller groups to learn more with one another. This will be a wonderful opportunity to learn and understand the Scriptures more clearly, not only hearing the word preached on Sunday morning, but also through additional study and discussion.

These Wednesday evenings will be a time to:

  • Prepare our hearts to ask questions about the Sunday sermon
  • Discuss how to interpret the passages
  • Observe other Scriptures that apply (discuss what is taking place in the various Scripture passages)
  • Learn how to apply the Scriptures in our lives