Ecclesiology: The Study of the Church

Copy of ECCLESIOLOGYWhat is a church? What is the purpose of the church? How are we to conduct the church service? Does care about the structure of the church? Who is the church for? All of these questions have answers in God's Word. Join us for Equipping Hour as we study ecclesiology and discover what God says about His church. 

Lesson 1 - The People of God (PDF | audio)

Lesson 2 - The Body of Christ (PDF | audio)

Lesson 3 - The Temple of the Holy Spirit (PDF | audio)

Lesson 4 - The Living Church (PDF | audio)

Lesson 5 - The Growing Church (PDF | audio)

Lesson 6 - The Distinct Church (PDF | audio)

Lesson 7 - The God-Glorifying Church (PDF | audio)

Lesson 8 - The Gospel Proclaiming Church (PDF | audio)

Lesson 9 - The Gospel-Driven Church (PDF | audio)

Lesson 10 - God's Plan of Authority (PDF | audio)

Lesson 11 - Elders and Deacons in the Church (PDF | audio)

Lesson 12 - Your Responsibility in the Church (PDF | audio) 

Lesson 13 - The Mandate and Need for Church Membership (PDF | audio)

Lesson 14 - The Goal and Pursuit of Church Membership (PDF | audio)

Lesson 15 - The Nature and Duties of Church Membership (PDF | audio)

Lesson 16 - The Definition of and Need for Discipleship (PDF | audio)

Lesson 17 - The Motivations of Discipleship (PDF | audio)

Lesson 18 - The Means of Discipleship (PDF | audio)

Lesson 19 - The Enemy of Discipleship (PDF | audio)

Lesson 20 - Church Discipline: Loving and Purposeful (PDF | audio)

Lesson 21 - Church Discipline: Dealing with Sin (PDF | audio)

Lesson 22 - Church Discipline: Repentance and Restoration (PDF | no audio available)

Lesson 23 - Expositional Preaching: True Spirituality (PDF | audio)

Lesson 24 - The Purpose of Expository Preaching (PDF | audio)

Lesson 25 - The Word of God in the Church (PDF | audio)

Lesson 26 - What Is Sound Doctrine and Why Does It Matter? (PDF | audio)

Lesson 27 - Sound Doctrine Is for Love and Holiness (PDF | audio)

Lesson 28 - Sound Doctrine Is for Worship and Witness (PDF | audio)

Lesson 29 - Sound Doctrine Is for Unity (PDF | audio)

On Conduct in the Church (PDF | audio)

Lesson 30 - Who Should Evangelize and Why? (PDF | audio)

*All lessons are adapted from 9Marks Healthy Church Study Guides.