Please note, we are meeting at our new location for worship. Please see details here.


Reminder: Wednesday Evening Ministries have been cancelled through January 31st.

There is no Equipping Hour this Sunday, January 26th. 


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When Jesus chose the Twelve in Mark 3, Judas Iscariot was listed among them. Why did Jesus choose him if He knew Judas would betray Him? How could Judas be chosen and not be saved? These are questions that Christians have wondered through the years, but the Bible has answers.

There is mass disobedience to authority in our nation today. Teenagers and young adults are running wild on our streets. Where did this come from? How did we get to this place in our nation? In this blog, we will look at the consequences of not teaching children obedience and what God commands of parents.

Many churches teach that there is a difference between joy and happiness. They make statements such as, "Joy is a constant emotion, but happiness is based on circumstances." Is this what the Bible teaches? In today's blog, we will see what the Bible says about joy and happiness.

Is fear only a bad emotion? Can fear ever be used for good? In this blog, we will see how we can use fear as a friend to reach those who have not placed their faith in Jesus.

Our nation is hurting and fearful because of COVID-19. Does God's Word have anything to say about this? What can we learn through these unprecedented times?

As New Testament Christians, does the Old Testament still apply to our lives today? Can America learn anything from Israel? God has given us the Old Testament so that we might learn lessons from their mistakes. In today's blog, we will see what happens when God's blessings are turned into idol worship.