Listen to messages delivered at FBC by Todd Friel:
- Sunday 9/2/2018 - The Doctrine of Eternal Security
- Sunday 8/25/2019 -Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled
- Sunday 8/25/2019 - Q&A session with Todd Friel after the service
- Sunday 8/29/2021 - Reasoning from the Scriptures
- Sunday 9/17/2023 - What's Love Got to Do with It?
Special guest preacher Todd Friel is a friend of FBC and joins us when in town to preach God's Word. Todd Friel is the current host of both Wretched TV and Radio and the former host of Way of the Master Radio. He has authored five books, five evangelistic booklets, and is the producer of over two dozen Bible study courses. Todd has one wife, three adult children, and two grand-dogs.